Friday, September 28, 2007

Popper Dog Walks

We bought this little fisher price popper dog for L's Birthday. She loves it so much! It has a little leash on it so she can take it for walks. Towards the end of my pregnancy I was walking twice a day, pretty much to see if labor would start. The walks started out with just me going alone, then B and I would go at night. Soon we were talking walks together everyday after dinner. That's when the popper dog came in. Since the popper dog had to be pulled to "pop" or bark L wouldn't ride in a stroller so, we would just walk around our townhouse complex. We had so much fun! We would stop at random houses to visit and meet people. Most people would say, "This is the first time anyone has just stopped by to visit us!" We have made so many new friends. It's interesting how just dropping by someones house for 10 minutes can change your total perspective of them. Now, I need to stop being so quick to judge! Thanks for the lesson popper dog!

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