Friday, December 11, 2009

Lauryn + Stomach Flu + 5 days of it + One trip to the ER + Bryan's Finals Week + 2 other kids =



I am REALLY behind on my house work and I've got to get my house back in order. I'll be back soon. Wish me luck! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Ours is looking like snowy white one!


DaNae said...

oh my! I hope she feels better and that Bryan did good with finals!

BL said...

oh no katelyn! I hope you can get back on top of things soon! I hate that feeling of endless house work.....

Isaak and Jackie said...

I am impressed that your clothes are all in baskets even with everything that is going on. Also, how did you have time to make cookies? You never cease to amaze. Hope things are looking brighter.