Ever since we moved to our new place in January, I haven't had a microwave. I can hardly remember what it was like to have one. I have gone without one for almost 3 months now and it's not so bad.
Do you have a microwave? If so, how often would you say that you use it?
I am trying to figure out if it is a good investment for me to get one. Also, if you have a mircowave,what kind is it? What kind would you suggest getting?
My greatest hero in life was a working mom who just so happened to never have a microwave oven. She also never had a cordless phone. And you know what? I loved that. I loved being at her home where everything was heated in the over and phone conversations were out in the middle of the common area. It's like my childhood faded away, but those things always remained the same. I've always wanted to transition to having no microwave myself, but I've never been brave enough.
Well, I say baby food. But there are other ways of doing that too.
And I would also say pop corn but I think homemade popcorn is the bomb dizzy.
I'm not a leftover's lover but heating them up in the micro is fantastic and quick.
Microwaves can go pretty inexpensive too! I want a toaster oven...
we went all last summer without one, at first it's had but I think we ate so much healthier! I use mine to heat up left overs for lunch, and if I forget to defrost my meats, but not really much more than that.
We went almost a year without one. It was great. I was surprised that I didn't actually miss it. I did miss the popcorn, cause I have a great homemade popcorn maker that is for the microwave. But it forced me to learn the art of stovetop popcorn and now I love stovetop too much to go back. I don't know what to say about recommendations on microwaves. But I am impressed you are without one with kids. pretty impressive.
i don't know what to recommend other than to get one. i can't live with out it, i don't know what i'd eat.
i never use the microwave....cause jane makes bomb stovetop popcorn. and we rarely have leftovers to warm up. but i would just buy a cheap one at walmart. like $30 or something.
Girl!... I have no idea how you've been living without a microwave! Talk about the little things in life that just make things easier! Then again I might just be LAZY. Our's has been the Bomb... I don't know where it's from, I of course, bought it at a Yard Sale: ) What don't I buy at one??? It's GE brand and works great...
Hey, we have an extra one that you guys can use. There is one built into the cupboards here at our house, so we have ours just sitting in our closet. Tell Brian to hit up Rayce next time they talk!
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