In my excitement I went and made the girls their own art tote. Yesterday I had the worst headache and Bryan let me take a nap. I woke up to Lauryn screaming. Bryan had walked into the kitchen after hearing Kamryn crying, to find her COVERED in PAINT! She even had awesome hand prints on her head.

We sure had a good laugh and Lauryn had a good time out. Painting is now a privilege and if they want to paint, an adult has to be present.
WOW... that's about all I can think to say at this moment! Wow!
that is so awesome! I am loving the handprints on her cute little head.
That's awesome.
Oh my gosh! That is so funny! Probably not to you at the time though!
No way. I love it. That is awesome. Way to go Lauryn. I am surprised she just sat there and let it all happen. I bet she loved it.
HA! That's awesome...go Lauryn! :) Those baby legs could NOT be any cuter on your stinkin baby...love them! Wish I could have made it that night :(
i LOVE those art totes. so so so cute. gosh, you're a cool mom!
and that last pictures is Hilarious! your family will love that photo Forever!!
PLEASE print and frame that last picture of Kamryn. PLEASE! That must be a staple in your home FOREVER.
How funny! I'm so glad you got a pic of Kamryn- it's just a perfect classic- and will always be there when you need a little laugh : ).
Oh my gosh this is hilarious - poor Kamryn, but eventually she'll get her revenge I'm sure!
UNBELIEVABLE!! when you told me i would have never imagined anything this bad. wow. i'm so glad you got a picture. awesome for posterity stories later.
Hey- I just love your fun blog! I told you I would send you a link to mine: dougandlydstew.blogspot.com and there is a link on the side to my cooking blog. Hope you have a great day! And hope I run into you again! :)
that is an incredible paint job. How crazy! I love the art totes, what a sweet idea, where did you find them?
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